Goku-Strongest Anime Characters
What’s a list of powerful anime characters without our hero and friend, mister Son Goku? If we didn’t fit him into an entry here, we might have had a sweaty bevy of howling weeaboos parading our door, waving invisible kamehamehas at our silhouette in the window. Avoiding all that, keeping things honest at all times, we include Goku among the very strongest of anime characters. In fact, Goku is one of the most powerful fighters in fiction, period. His feats of physical strength and speed, along with his ability to generate horrifying, gleaming beams of light from his body at will make him one heck of a bastard to face in a fight to the death. No need to fret, though — if you are of sound heart, then Goku is your friend, and he will never harm a hair on your body. However, if you’re consumed by the drive to harm others, and your actions manifest the evil intentions in your putrid little heart, then Goku will come for you. And he will f*** you up.
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