Saitama-Strongest Anime Characters
The One-Punch Man gets the number three spot on this list. The simple fact is that, like Superman, Saitama’s writers disrespected all rules of balance when they created him. Put simply, he’s just broken. It doesn’t matter what special abilities the other characters on this list have, it doesn’t matter how much training they did to prepare themselves before the fight. One punch from Mr. Saitama, and they’re instantly dead. To make him seem even more overpowered, it’s been stated in the show that Saitama has a vast well of untapped potential, and all his fights show him using only a fraction of his strength. Where does a fighter who can end every opponent with one blow progress to? What kind of powers will he have once his strength climaxes? Whatever that might look like, we bet it still would not come close to the top three characters on this list.
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